Playing a game of cups vs AMIGO

7 July 2011

The high point of the day was the Open Challenge. This challenge does not have a script, like the other challenges. Instead the teams can show their own demo in which they must present a strong or unique point on their robotics system. For Tech United this meant that there was a great opportunity to show the world model and its speed. The world model is used to make a 3d map of the environment. This model must be adapted constantly because the environment is always changing. When AMIGO moves or when people around move the world is being manipulated and the 3d map should be updated.

They wanted to show the speed of the world model by doing a game of Cups with AMIGO. A person would put a ball under one of three cups. Then the person will change the order of the cups randomly. AMIGO should follow the cup in which the ball resides. When the person is finished he asks AMIGO to point out the location of the ball. When everything goes right, AMIGO should point out the right cup.

During the challenge everything seemed in order and worked fine. The problem was, that the could prove it to the judges because the output to the AMIGO and the screen with the world model didn’t work properly. They did however manage to answer the question and give relevant examples on the screen.


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About Tech United

Tech United is a multidisciplinary team of (former) students, PhD’s and employees of the Eindhoven University of Technology that focusses on the development of robotics. Knowledge of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer algorithms are used to solve problems. Tech United's home base is the RoboCup stadium at the Eindhoven University of Technology.
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Tech United Eindhoven
De Lampendriessen 30, TU/e campus Eindhoven
Building: Impuls
Office: RoboCup Stadium


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